Wednesday, May 25, 2011

la vie est parfait.

you know when you have one of those moments where everything is just perfect? well I'm having one of those right now. My dearest father is visiting from america and he is spending 2 days living with me and my host family. Tonight I sat outside with my real dad and my host parents and we just talked for 3 hours about everything. We had english, french and franglais going all at the same time. I would talk to my host mom in french about my dad and he wouldn't even realize that we were talking about him. and then my host dad would think that I wasn't listening and he would tell my dad that I'm a member of their family and he considers me to be a daughter now. My host parents raved about me, telling my dad that I'm such an easy person to live with, I'll eat whatever, I follow the rules bla bla bla. I fought with my host dad over who got to have power over the tv for the night. I discussed with my host mom what I should do with my dad tomorrow while visiting Fribourg. At the end of the night my dad told me how proud he was that I could speak french with no problems. and he was even more impressed by my relationship with my family here. I joke around with everyone and argue over the stupidest this, but we have fun. They are my family. They've kept me alive for 9 months, and I can't even begin to express how much they've done for me. Every day I get to wake up in a beautiful house with a gorgeous view of the mountains. I speak french all day and come home to an amazing family. and sometimes I take it for granted, I forget how good I've got it. Sometimes it takes an outsiders point of view to realize how lucky I got.

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