Monday, August 23, 2010

Bonjour tout le monde! My weekend went pretty well, i hung out with my host cousin Jeanne and she invited me to a party at her house on Saturday night, which was really fun. Her and a lot of her friends have been to the US with AFS, so they know what it feels like, which is really beneficial. Sunday was my host dad's birthday, so there were people here all day long. A lot of food and a lot of alcohol could be found that day. I left the party for a while to skype with my family and my friend Alex, which made me soooo happy! but unfortunately it made me homesick later that day :( There were just so many people at the house and they were all speaking french (obviously) and after a while I was just so tired of trying to understand it all. I went to my room exhausted at 9:00, but I didn't fall asleep until 1 in the morning. I tried watching Gilmore Girl's to fall asleep, but it just made me miss home and then I was on facebook, which also made me sad. so all in all it was a rough night. I had to wake up at 7 this morning to go to my language classes. So after a late night with little sleep I woke up exhausted and sad, when I remembered that my host family was only speaking french to me now! the morning was rough because i was just sooo tired, so I could barely comprehend what Sylvie was saying. She dropped me off at the school where there are 6 other kids attending the class. One of which is Grace, who is another AFS student nearby and we flew over from the US together. So i was glad to see her in the morning! the other kids don't fluently speak english, so the entire french class was taught in french! i was freaking out all morning and was just soo stressed. adn for those who know me, when i'm stressed I want to cry. so yeah, that was pretty rough. class is only from 10 until 3:30 and we have an hour and a half for lunch, so it's not horrible. but have you ever tried learning a language in a different language? because it suckkks! I couldn't understand the teacher in the slightest and she kept calling on me and it was just humiliating becasue the other students could speak like 5 languages and were really good at french.
so yeah, that's basically be just ranting about life, why should i be complaining when i'm in freaking switzerland!?!? but either way, this is just a lot harder than I imagined. The language is so hard, i'm always starving but i can't eat without getting sick... and it's just weird not to have my friends here :(
I miss you all so much, and hopefully next time I can post something a little more positive!!


  1. I bet your picking up on more french then your giving yourself credit for, and it's only going to get easier as you spend more time there so keep your chin up crazy child. I hope tomorrow is a better day.


  2. Hey Michelle, don't worry, A lot of guys did it before u.
    You can do it :)


  3. I lurrrrve you my sister dearest, and Pete the Meat is right. You are probably catching on more than you know. Just stick with Grace and give those annoying kids the stink eye. You can do it!

  4. Give yourself time to adjust.. don't be too hard on yourself! You're still riding the emotional roller coaster of saying goodbye and moving to a strange place, not to mention the jet lag! You'll settle in and find your routine. Keep it up, you'll get there!

    <3 Carrie

  5. Michelle: You can do it! Just think back to your first day at school or your fitst day on a new was tough to get adjusted but you did it, never judge anything on the first day only...if so, you would never be the adventurous one that you are. (I wish I had this quality that you have). Get that French/English dictionary out, find a few phrases that are important and just use them over and over again. It will give you confidence! Thinking lots of you! Go get em girl!
