Friday, July 1, 2011


someone please explain to me why time has moved so quickly. I still remember my very first day in Switzerland, when I was exhausted and homesick, but I had to sit through a lunch with the entire family. It was all in french and I didn't understand a single word. I remember waking up one week into my exchange thinking "one week down, only 45 to go." For weeks I would only dream about Bay Village and would wake up thinking I had never left. Well here I am 45 weeks later voluntarily going to family lunches because I love joking around with my cousins. I dream in french almost every single night and I'm just happy to be alive. Happy to be in this world that I built completely by myself. It's not that I don't want to go back to America, because believe me, I do. I miss ceiling fans, garbage disposals, screens on windows, taco bell, driving, and obviously my friends and family. But in order to get all of that stuff back I'll have to leave everything I've gained from this year behind. I know where the silverware drawer is, I know the sound of the kitchen door squeaking open, I know every single bus and train time for Fribourg, I have my favorite types of bread and cheese and have picnics in the park. It's the small things that make me realize how comfortable I've become here and how much I'm going to lose once I leave. It's so unfair that you always have to lose something in order to gain something new.

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