In case it wasn't completely evident to the entire world, I'll let you know that I was having a horrible time adjusting here. and to be honest I wasn't exactly trying. But after receiving a massive shove from my dad I've finally accepted the fact that whether I like it or not, I'm here for the year, so it's up to me how I want to spend it. I can either sit in my room and cry and miss home, or I can go out and actually enjoy myself. I've been given an amazing opportunity that so many people would die for, and I already spent 2 weeks wasting it. So from here on out I'm actually going to start living. I realize that I can't just erase my homesickness overnight. Every morning I wake up and for an instant think I'm back in my bed in Bay Village, and a sense of dread washes over me when i realize i'm not at home. But maybe someday soon I'll wake up and be happy I'm not in Bay. I think this has been so hard for me because living my life has never been about where I am, it's been about who I'm with. and when leaving Bay I left behind all of my favorite people. So I know it's going to take time for me to be completely happy here, but I think I'm finally up for the challenge!
Here is our back porch :)
go michelle! :D