Monday, April 4, 2011


The spring of my Junior year the questions started: "Where are you going to college? What are you going to study?" and my answer was always "I have no idea."
That's when I started looking into studying abroad. I figured there's no time like the present, especially when I had nothing else planned for the future. I didn't want to take the normal path that everyone else in my class was doing, I wanted to do something different, I wanted adventures. I remember one night I was attempting to get some sleep before school the next morning, but I was too excited just thinking about the potential for my future. Living somewhere exotic and taking adventures everyday. For endless nights I would sneak out of bed and research on the internet for hours. Reading blogs of people who studied abroad and looking up costs and benefits of a year abroad. I wanted to make sure that I knew everything possible, that way when I finally approached my parents I would be confident and know exactly what to tell them. I had the idea of europe in my head for about a month before I told a single person. It seemed like such a far out idea that would never happen, so I kept it quiet until I was completely sure it was what I wanted. I don't actually remember telling my parents that this is what I wanted, but apparently whatever I said was convincing, because a year later I was on a plane bound for Switzerland!
Well, now it's time for round 2. I officially have the travel bug inside of me, and the thought of being bound to tiny little Athens, Ohio for 4 years makes me feel claustrophobic. The world is massive and I've only managed to see a tiny corner of it. The reason I was so happy during the month of March was because I was actually doing something. I saw so many new things and met amazing people while doing it. I had new horizons and languages everyday and was walking around with 4 currencies in my wallet. It reminded me that there is still so much to see. I know that college is important, but who says I have to stay in Ohio the whole time? Maybe I'll give myself a break from learning new languages, which puts Australia as my number one. and whatya know, Ohio University works with a program that sends people to Sydney! So parents, if you're reading this, be prepared because I'm doing my research!

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