Friday, November 12, 2010

3 Months

Wowza, tomorrow is my 3 month mark in Switzerland, which is so bizarre! It's already flying by so fast, christmas is becoming a predominant subject in conversation, and we've already picked names for secret santa! Sadly the name I got is a cousin who I haven't even met yet... so that will make buying a present a little challenging.
I honestly don't have much to report, nothing too interesting has been going on, just school. On friday my bus broke down on the way to school, so I was about 5 minutes late to economics which ticked off my teacher because he's a stickler for rules. So I did my best to explain what happened, but he was still mad and told me that I would have to do a report. Every morning 1 or 2 students have to read an article about economics to the class, which is easy for them, but sadly my pronunciation sucks so it makes it a bit challenging. Well anyways, when he told me that I would have to do a report I didn't exactly understand what he said but didn't feel like asking so i was just like "oui, ok pas un problèm" which meant that I agreed to do the article. So monday morning I get to class and he asks for my article and I just give him a blank stare... so then he explains what I have to do, but since I didn't do the first one, I had to do 2! So I got to class this morning and had to read my article to the class, which was extremely humiliating and just so horrible. I know it made no sense at all, because I was butchering the words horribly. I honestly don't think anybody understood a word I said... and the teacher just gave me the saddest most pathetic look once I finished and then said something about how I'll be better by the end of the year. but he was nice and didn't make me read the second one out loud. But fortunately my class was nice and didn't laugh in my face, even though I'm sure they wanted to. so yeah, that's my story of the week!
Yesterday I got a massive package from my marvelous cousin Chrissy, which was unexpected but greatly appreciated! Maxime destroyed the Reese's, so those are all gone... hahah but I still have my peanut butter, twizzlers, gum, easy mac and chocolate chips! I even made some snowcaps (a cookie my mom bakes) last night, because I wanted to put the chocolate chips to good use! I think I might have mentioned this already, but chocolate chips here are extremely hard to find, and they taste like crap which is shocking because switzerland is basically the chocolate capital of the world. and they're not even chips, they're cubes. it's stupid. So using real chocolate chips was fantastic! She also sent over a bunch of tabloids, which made me so happy! I'm so out of touch with the celebrity world! well actually, I'm so out of touch with just the world entirely... but at least now I know what's happening in hollywood! So basically the point of that little rant is that if you want to win over my heart, send me a care package!
Tomorrow is finally friday, which means I finish school at 12:15. I'm celebrating my friend's birthday tomorrow night in Fribourg but other than that I don't have much planned for the weekend. I'm just anxiously waiting for monday, which means GAGA!!!
oh, and side note, this week's glee episode made me so frickin happy! I have creepily been stalking Darren Criss for about a year and a half ever since he premiered in A Very Potter Musical on youtube. and now my little boy is all grown up and starring on tv! So proud :)
and one last thing... ONLY 1 MORE WEEK UNTIL THE EPIC FINALE!!!!

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