Thursday, March 31, 2011


The month of March was without a doubt my best month here. It was the first time that I was actually busy and got out of the boring pattern of school everyday. I had the first week off for Carnaval (hands down best holiday ever), the second weekend I was in Milan, the third I was in Ireland and last weekend I was in Amsterdam. and on top of that I got to spend a week in Switzerland with my sister who came over for a little visit! I was so happy to actually be doing something, because not gonna lie, it can get pretty dull over here.
Now that March is over, time is flying. I've received emails from AFS informing me on my flight info for July, and I'm receiving countless emails from Ohio University with endless lists of things I need to accomplish in order to enroll for the fall quarter.
I don't want to go back to reality. I'm so happy here in my little Swiss bubble. I don't have to deal with stupid american drama like who's dating who or what party got busted over the weekend. I've realized that in the past I stressed and cared about the stupidest things, and I find it hard to believe that everyone back home is still the same. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends back home, but there is always some sort of drama happening. People are always fighting and taking things for granted. They need to realize how fortunate they are. I would give anything to be able to pick up the phone and call my friends or family, but that's pretty hard to do when there's an ocean and 6 hour time difference between us. Friendships back home have fallen apart this year, and they claim it's because they don't get to see each other anymore. Phones were invented for a reason, and you should feel lucky that you are still in the same time zone as the ones you love. Make the effort and drive 4 hours over the weekend to visit your best friend, because you're so lucky to have them in your life.
In 100 days I have to go home. But it doesn't even feel like home anymore, this is my home. I feel like I've grown up so much this year and I've finally realized what's really important. and it kills me that I have to return to high school drama that should be long gone by now. But for now, I'm just going to live in this moment and enjoy the next 100 days, because I have everything I need right here.


  1. Hey Michelle! Saw the link to your blog on FB, it's awesome. I especially liked this post, it really hit home with me. Enjoy the rest of your experience. Au revoir!
    xoxo Rachael

  2. michellleeeyy. i almost cried reading this. its so inspiring and awesome. i'm so happy that you're happy and i can only glimpse the feeling that you're taking about in the post before this but i definitely feel claustrophobic since i've been back. grad school abroad anyone?? keep living the dream!
